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Sie befinden sich hier: Software-Astronomie > OS > DOS Software AstronomieDOS
Solexvon Aldo Vitagliano
Basically, SOLEX is a free computer program modelling the N-body dynamics of the Solar System, and it is the result of a long and patient amatorial work by the author (Aldo Vitagliano). Its heart is a powerful numerical integrator, and the many additional functions make it a greatly flexible program, which at the same time is very simple to use and very powerful in its performances. It can just give aesthetic pleasure and help in identifying sky objects, or it can be used by an experienced researcher as a tool to investigate aspects of the solar system dynamics such impact probabilities and chaotic motion. (Webseite ,Download ,Anleitung ) - Freeware
DE 118I Ephemeriden Leser
Liest Ephemeriden des DE118I Integrators (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
JPL Ephemeriden Leser
Liest die JPL Ephemeriden und gibt diese aus. Quellcode in C und DOS Programme anbei. Reduktion von Sternörtern auch möglich. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
AA 56
Erzeugt Ephemeriden wie im Astronomical Almanac mit allen Schikanen. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Ein Softwarepaket um FITS Dateien zu bearbeiten (Webseite ,Download ,Anleitung ) - Freeware
Occult for DOS
Berechnet neben Finsternisse alle anderen Arten von Bedeckungserscheinungen im Sonnensystem (Webseite ) - Freeware
DOS Planetensystem mit Himmelsmechanikvon Krahmer
Himmelsmechanik unter DOS (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Trojaner in ihren Librationspunkten auf Jupiterbahnvon Krahmer
Trojaner unter DOS (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
MetShowvon Peter Zimnikoval
Zeigt Bedingungen für Meteorschauer an (Pomôcka pre pozorovatelov meteorov obsahujúca databázu meteorických rojov zaradených v databáze IMO, umožnuje zistit aktuálnu polohu radiantu roja, momentálne aktívne roje, dlžku casti noci, ked je Mesiac nad obzorom, výšku radiantu nad obzorom, "trojuholníky", výpocet ZHR a dalšie nástroje). (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
MoonCalcvon Monzur Ahmed
Moon Calculator (MoonCalc) is a DOS program which provides information relating to the position, age, phase, orientation, appearance and visibility of the moon for any given date, time and location on earth. It also provides the Julian Day Number, Magnetic Declination, time and direction of moonrise and moonset, interval between sunset and moonset, interval between sunrise and moonrise, date/time of astronomical new moon (conjunction), full moon, apogee and perigee and predicts the likelihood of visualising the young moon from a particular location. Data pertaining to solar and lunar eclipses in any year are also shown. MoonCalc provides Hijri calendar data including location dependent Hijri date conversion using predicted crescent visibility. Automatic local and regional (tri-zonal) Hijri calendar tabulation is possible. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Modasvon Ivan Krastev
MODAS stands for «Modern Optical Design and Analysis Software». It is a telescope design software of the most popular telescope systems used by the amateur astronomers and telescope makers, including spot diagrams, ray fans, wave aberrations, diffraction analysis, optical layout, optimization, tolerancing, mirror testing and many other atm tools. First released 1999, today MODAS is the most popular telescope design package used by the telescope makers around the world. The program is available as freeware and comercial edition at low price. (Webseite ,Download ) - Testware
Oblohavon Peter Zimnikoval
Simulátor hviezdnej oblohy s množstvom prídavných funkcií pre dobrú orientáciu na oblohe v zadanom case. Podporuje tvorbu vlastného obzoru, animáciu, uloženie obrazu do Windows Bitmap (BMP). Obsahuje katalóg SAO s hviezdami do 10mag, Messierov katalóg a polohy niektorých význacnejších objektov. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Súhvezdiavon Peter Zimnikoval, Beata Zimnikovalová
Program vhodný pre výuku orientácie na oblohe, vhodný aj pre menšie deti, poskytuje informácie o súhvezdiach, o castiach oblohy viditelných v rôznych rocných obdobiach a o jednotlivých hviezdach. Okrem toho obsahuje hru - puzzle hviezdnej oblohy (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Yagimaxvon Unbekannt
Berechnung von Yagi Antennen zur Radiobeobachtung von Meteoren. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Meteor Scattervon Unbekannt
Vorhersage von Radiobeobachtungen der Meteore. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Meteorvon Pierre Terrier
Auswertung von Radiobeobachtungen (Webseite ,Download ,Anleitung ) - Freeware
Colorgrammevon Pierre Terrier
Auswertung von Radiobeobachtungen (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Grandtourvon JPL
Simulator für die Voayger und Giotto Missionen (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
PC-Trackvon Thomas C. Johnson
PC-TRACK is useful to amateur radio and weather satellite users, science teachers, experimenters, and serious satellite users. Use it for demonstrating orbital mechanics, predicting availability times, making presentations, performing satellite constellation studies, and general orbital analyses. PC-TRACK uses satellite data readily available from NASA and other sources. (Webseite ,Download ) - Shareware
TrakSatvon Paul E. Traufler
TRAKSAT comes with a satellite database of over 800 of the most important satellites ready to use. You can set up different satellite databases as needed and call them from within the program. There is also a database of over 1970 cities that can be used for tracking stations. The user can edit the tracking station file and add new stations as they are needed or use one of the pre-configured ones (Webseite ,Download ) - Shareware
Bird Dogvon Thomas C. Leadholm
Bird-Dog is capable of predicting satellite passes and displaying satellite acquisition windows for your location. It shows the position of the satellite being monitored on either a flat world map or a spherical 3-dimensional plot of the earth. These maps show coast-lines, islands, rivers, state and country boundaries, and assist in discerning land features during real time acquisition of weather images (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Pass Schedulervon T. S. Kelso
Pass Scheduler is a program which will allow the you to automatically generate schedules of satellite passes from a set of pre-selected files of observation sites and NORAD two-line orbital element sets. The schedule generated is listed in order of increasing rise time (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Pass Updatevon T. S. Kelso
Program used with Pass Scheduler. Program permits fully automatic processing of all of your.TLE files without prompting (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
TrakStar Versionvon T. S. Kelso
For those who want highly-accurate ephemerides providing Earth-centered inertial (ECI) coordinates, satellite subpoint (latitude, longitude, and altitude for nonspherical earth), look angles (azimuth, elevation, range, and range rate), and right ascension and declination. Supports determination of visibility conditions for specified observer(s). Even atmospheric refraction is accounted for. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Silicon Solutions GrafTrak and Silicon Ephemerisvon Richard Allen
Älteres Satellitenprogramm. (Webseite ,Download ,Anleitung ) - Freeware
Vec2Tlevon Kenneth J. Ernandes
VEC2TLE Computes AMSAT Keplerian or Space Command / NASA Two-Line Elements from a variety of different coordinate frames and units. Automatically extracts formatted vectors from plain text files and can replace existing Keplerian elements in plain text files. (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
Orbitelvon David H. Ransom
ORBITEL is a FREE program that will filter satellite element files. The program can format convert, error check, sorting, and many other useful functions. It is a DOS program but at this price you can't go wrong (Webseite ,Download ) - Freeware
The Starlite Xpress CCD cameras are superb pieces of hardware with a very reasonable price tag. We have written our own capture and image processing software packages which others may find useful. The image processing software works with most CCD images. The capture software only works with some of the SX cameras (not, for example the frame-store version of the SX). (Webseite ,Download ) - Testware |
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