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Software Astronomie
This simple program enables to simulate star (or stars) or some other objects (nebulas,...) It can be used for some tests of equipment. I made this program for testing autoguiding in K3CCDTools. But it may be used also for testing focusing. Simply said, everytime, when you have no clear skies, you can use this program (Webseite
- Freeware
von Cor Berrevoets
The Aberrator is freeware that generates star-testing images to show the effects of aberrations(distortions) influencing the quality of a telescopes performance. (Webseite
- Freeware
von Fritz Blechinger
OpTaliX is a powerful and comprehensive program for computer aided design of optical systems as well as for thin film multilayer coatings and illumination applications. OpTaliX provides all the features required to conceptualize, design, optimize, analyze, tolerance and document virtually any optical system. (Webseite
- Testware
Eine Datenbank von Linsensystem. Eine freie Version enthält ein paar Proben. (Webseite
- Kauf
Berechnung und Optimierung von Optiken. (Webseite
- Kauf
von Massimo Riccardi
Interferogram Analysis Software (Webseite
- Kauf
von Massimo Riccardi
ATM Optical Design and Analysis Software (Webseite
- Kauf
von Jo Sanders
Berechnet den fokalen Durchmesser eines Objektes aus Winkeldurchmesser und Fokus. (Webseite
- Freeware
von Ivan Krastev
JODAS stands for «Java Optical Design and Analysis Software» and it is based on MODAS. With this java applets collection you can design and analyze one mirror (Newtonian) and classical two mirror telescopes (Cassegrain, Gregorian, Dall-Kirkham, Pressmann-Camichel, Ritchey-Chretien), one mirror catadioptric systems (Houghton-, Schmidt- and Maksutov- Cameras), two mirror catadioptric systems (Houghton-, Schmidt- and Maksutov- Cassegrain), Doublets and Triplets (Webseite
- Testware
Diffraction Grating
von COAA
PC printers have sufficient resolution to plot a useful grating directly onto transparency film up to about 8 inches in size. To make such a grating, we prepared a simple Windows program which allows you to specify the size of the telescope aperture (not bigger than the transparency width!), the resolution of the printer (dots per inch) and the design of the grating (1 dark+1 light, for example). (Webseite
- Freeware
von Ivan Krastev
MODAS stands for «Modern Optical Design and Analysis Software». It is a telescope design software of the most popular telescope systems used by the amateur astronomers and telescope makers, including spot diagrams, ray fans, wave aberrations, diffraction analysis, optical layout, optimization, tolerancing, mirror testing and many other atm tools. First released 1999, today MODAS is the most popular telescope design package used by the telescope makers around the world. The program is available as freeware and comercial edition at low price. (Webseite
- Testware