Sie befinden sich hier: Software-Astronomie > Index > Kamerasteuerung
Software Astronomie
Bildbearbeitung Kamerasteuerung |
von Mike Unsold
Bildbearbeitung, auch mit Microsoft.NET. (Webseite
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Auswertung und Steuerung von CCD Aufnahmen (Webseite
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DSLR Fokus
von Chris Venter
Fokussiert DSLR Kameras. (Webseite
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Finsternisse Kamerasteuerung |
von Glenn Schneider
Steuert automatisch eine oder mehrere Kameras, wobei das Interface selber gebaut werden muß. (Webseite
Finsternisse Kamerasteuerung |
von Quinn
Kamerasteuerung für den Psion im Eigenbauprojekt (Webseite
- Freeware
Finsternisse Kamerasteuerung |
von Wolfgang Strickling
Kamerasteuerung für den Psion im Eigenbauprojekt (Webseite
Finsternisse Kamerasteuerung |
Eclipse Photography Software
von Manfred Bruenjes
Steuert bis zu vier verschiedene Canon DSLR Kameras an. (Webseite
von Stark Labs
Nebulosity (Windows and OS X) is designed to be a powerful, but simple to use capture and processing application for a wide range of astronomy CCD cameras. Many cameras are supported for capture (see below) and images from just about anything can be processed (support for many FITS formats, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, CR2/CRW, etc). Its goal is to suit people ranging from the novice imager who wants to create his or her first images to the advanced imager who wants a convenient, flexible capture application for use in the field. In it, you get a host of purpose-built powerful tools to make the most out of your images Nur für Mac und nur für Canon (Webseite
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DSLR remote
von Breeze Systems
Unterstützt nur Canon Kameras (Webseite
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von Diffraction Limited
DSLRs are not able to take single long exposures like CCDs, but software can be used to extend the exposure time and to stack multiple images. The trick to getting great images with DSLRs is to use the right software – MaxDSLR. (Webseite
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von Cyrille Thieullet
Man kann das Kabel auch kaufen. Dient der Fernsteuerung von Canon DSLR Kameras. (Webseite
- Freeware
von Cercis Astro
DslrLite is a low-cost - yet complete - computer-controlled software and hardware package for beginning or advanced DSLR camera astro-photographers. DslrLite is an entry-level alternative to DslrStar - the standalone or computerized-controller - DSLR astrophotography system. (Webseite
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von Cercis Astro
DslrStar is a tool for the acquisition of astronomical photographs and associated image reduction frames using DSLR cameras. The DslrStar Controller and software are designed to simplify and make more convenient, astrophotography of the night sky using DSLR cameras (Webseite
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DSLR Shutter
von Stark Labs
DSLR Shutter is designed to be a simple tool to capture long-exposure images from digital SLR cameras using their "bulb" setting. It allows you to specify the number of frames, their duration, and various delays to act as a software interval timer for your camera. It is a cross-platform application with both Windows and OS X versions (Universal Binary for 10.4 - may work in 10.3.9), supporting both the ShoeString Astronomy DSUSB adapter, serial port, and parallel port triggering (parallel port on Windows only). (Webseite
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