Show big chart Data from OpenStreetMap - Published under ODbL Show big chart |
Core informations from the MPC code files:
Code | W93 |
Longitude | 289.19600 (289:11:45 East) |
cos(Latitude) | 0.865589 |
sin(Latitude) | -0.499755 |
Geocentric Latitude | -30.00034 (329:59:58) |
Geographic Latitude | -30.16727 (329:49:57) |
Altitude | 2193 m (Note: The uncertainty maybe several meters at moment due to wrong values by the observer). |
Radius | 6372,824 km |
Station Name | Korea Microlensing Telescope Network-CTIO |
First observation | 2017-11-20 |
Last observation | 2024-03-06 (based on MPCAT) |
Interval betwen first and last observation | 2299 |
Number of observations | 25263 |
Number of different observed objects | 6073 |
Number of used nights | 64 |
MPEC objects | |
NEO objects | |
ITF objects | |
MPEC watch | |
NEODyS-2 | |
Google Search |"Korea Microlensing Telescope Network-CTIO" |
Location | Geohack OpenStreet Map Satellite chart |
This research has made use of data and/or services provided by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.
Made with obs-stat at 01-18-2025 07:55:12. (C) Jost Jahn, Amrum, Germany,