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Information about MPC station G32 (Elena Remote Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama).

Core informations from the MPC code files:

Code G32
Longitude 291.82040 (291:49:13 East)
cos(Latitude) 0.921639
sin(Latitude) -0.387713
Geocentric Latitude -22.81540 (337:11:04)
Geographic Latitude -22.95328 (337:02:48)
Altitude 2435 m (Note: The uncertainty maybe several meters at moment due to wrong values by the observer).
Radius 6374,944 km
Station Name Elena Remote Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama
First observation 2012-04-29
Last observation 2017-04-04 (based on MPCAT)
Interval betwen first and last observation 1802
Number of observations 69562
Number of different observed objects 11135
Number of used nights 651
MPEC objects
ITF objects
MPEC watch
Google Search"Elena Remote Observatory - San Pedro de Atacama"
Location Geohack OpenStreet Map Satellite chart

This research has made use of data and/or services provided by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.

Made with obs-stat at 01-18-2025 07:55:11. (C) Jost Jahn, Amrum, Germany,